
Disgusting picture in todays The Times

In todays The Times you can read about an unlicensed bouncer who has been acquitted of causing the death of an immigrant outside a Paceville club. Fair enough, although it very much looks like a racist crime. A court shall have very Översätt från: svenska
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high requirements of proof. But, it is disgusting when The Times publishes a picture of the bouncer, his girlfriend and his two lawyers in a manner that gives the impression of a hero. The Times should show respect for the victim and his family and not embrace the man who is a killer no matter he was acquitted, especially as everybody knows how the bouncers in Paceville treat people. Maybe this was not a racist crime, but the publishing of the picture is racism even if The Times tries to hide it, One can wonder if this picture would have been published if the victim had been a white Maltese male or female and not a black man from Africa. Shame on The Times!

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